Recruiting The Social Way

The world of recruiting has changed drastically over the years.

From “help wanted” signs in shop windows, to print newspaper ads, to modern internet posts; finding great employees requires one to regularly update their own skills. Online newspaper advertisements gave way to job boards, applicant technology and social media recruitment. Fortunately, the tools necessary to find ideal candidates have evolved almost as quickly as technology.

Social media recruitment is one of the most popular ways for recruiters to find candidates. Why? Social media is something that has become a part of everyone’s daily life, whether it is Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram for business or for pleasure, more and more people are fulfilling their social interaction needs on one or more of these media platforms.

With the digital world being used to bring people from all over the world in close proximity, usage is becoming more prevalent and ones online persona follows one everywhere.

To drive the social media point home, here are a few interesting statistics:

  •  69% of recruiters anticipate increased job competition in 2015.  As a result, recruiters plan to invest 73% more in social recruiting, 63% more in referral programs and 51% in mobile advertising.
  • Social recruitment was being utilized by 92% of recruiters in 2012.  It rose to 93% in 2014 and 51% of recruiters plan to increase their recruitment investing going forward.
  • While 94% of recruiters use social media for their jobs, only 39% of all employers use social media for recruiting and hiring.
  • In 2014 recruiters and companies that use social media say that they saw a 44% increase in candidate quality, 44% saw in increase in candidate quality and 34% improved time to hire.
  • 51% of workers who currently have a job are either actively seeking, or open to a new job. This means fully 71% of all workers are “on the job market” (meaning unemployed and looking, employed and looking, or employed and open).
  • Recruiters using mobile platforms saw a significant impact:  14% improved time to hire, 19% improved quality of hire and a 15% improved quantity of referrals.
  • While 93% of recruiters use or plan to use social media, only 18% of them feel that they are experts in utilizing the technology!!

Social media is here to stay, growing, changing and continually evolving, it is important that the methods used by recruiters in your company also grow, change and evolve to keep up with the latest and greatest tools for finding the best talent.


[sources: JobVite & CareerBuilder]

Nicole Dominique Le Maire has gained a reputation as a highly valued leader within the female business and Human Resources Industry. As a multi-talented woman entrepreneur and a global people connector, she is also the co-author of two books, including The Female Leader. As a result, she has gained tremendous experience guiding startups and entrepreneurs which has supplemented her MBA, MAHRM, and MCIPD and this has catapulted her to become one of the top leaders in the Human Resources industry.

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