Ministry of Education participates at the official launch of the Arab Plan for Human Rights Education

Her Excellency Sheikha Khulood Al Qassimi, the Assistant Under-Secretary for Inspection at the Ministry of Education, headed the United Arab Emirates (UAE) delegation at the official launch of the Arab Plan for Human Rights Education. The event took place in Tangier, Morocco, from December 5 to 6, under the theme ’The Arab Plan for Human Rights Education between Text and Execution’.

During the high-level opening session, in the presence of the Moroccan Minister of Justice, HE. Abdellatif Wahbi, and representatives from all Arab countries, as well as Arab and regional human rights bodies Sheikha Khulood extended her sincere gratitude to the Kingdom of Morocco for hosting the event. Her Excellency acknowledged that hosting the event highlights the Moroccan Government’s commitment to advancing human rights values and principles. Furthermore, she commended the collaborative efforts of Arab countries in developing the plan, whilst emphasising the significance of united Arab cooperation in promoting human rights

During her speech, Her Excellency Sheikha Khulood elaborated on the UAE’s commitment to human rights, citing the implementation of various initiatives and policies. The country’s endeavour to strike a balance between academic achievements and the cultivation of life skills among students by incorporating human rights concepts into school curricula were also highlighted.

Additionally, Her Excellency emphasized that human rights concepts are integrated into various academic subjects across four primary tracks in the UAE curricula. Moreover, she highlighted the UAE’s unwavering commitment to combating intellectual extremism and racial discrimination by fostering values that promote tolerance, peaceful coexistence, positive citizenship, constructive dialogue, respect for diverse cultures and openness to others.

In conclusion, Her Excellency Sheikha Kholoud expressed gratitude to the participating countries, and reaffirmed the UAE’s dedication to persistent effort and ongoing collaboration to promote the culture of human rights and achieve progress in the region and beyond.