Every project is like an uphill battle where waste, failure, and loss occur. What’s important is to learn from those painful experiences to build organizational capabilities. It takes courage to admit mistakes before moving on to learn from them, a process that heavily depends on the organizational culture. Renowned entrepreneur Richard Branson said, “Don’t be […]
Why It’s Important To Build A Team For Your Startup
They say that no man is an island. This is especially true in entrepreneurships and startups. A lot of entrepreneurs think that building a startup requires only one’s resilience and knowledge. To an extent, that is true. But one can only achieve so much on their own. Sure, you can get a startup up and […]
When not to hire for a permanent job – Alternative solutions
Are you the CEO or working for a company with trigger happy hiring leading to rising costs and low employee productivity? Read this article to enable you to get the most from your employee talent. Hiring is done when we have an organizations issue that needs a resolution. Before embarking on the traditional hiring model, leaders […]
Recruiting The Social Way
The world of recruiting has changed drastically over the years. From “help wanted” signs in shop windows, to print newspaper ads, to modern internet posts; finding great employees requires one to regularly update their own skills. Online newspaper advertisements gave way to job boards, applicant technology and social media recruitment. Fortunately, the tools necessary to […]
Developing Your Organizations Core Skills
Any organization that wishes to function effectively and maintain a sustainable growth must invest in its people. Regardless of what the product may be, it will always rely on the human factor to affect quality and productivity. To enable this approach to become functional, analysis of the core workforce skills required for the key task […]
Investing In People
Investing is always associated with return. If you’re going to invest in anything, you will have considered what you will achieve in return – maybe you want to double your investment. Do you think organizations can invest? Yes they can, to generate more profit. But do you think that they should invest in their people? […]
Talent Development– The New Kid On the Block. Or is it?
A recently released report on key trends for the HR profession shows Talent Development as the top priority. Should this surprise us? Probably not considering that on average organizations spend over one third of their revenues on employee wages and benefits! Increasingly, organizations are looking to attract, retain and develop the best talent, and as […]
Employee Turnover – Where do we need to focus ?
One of the key metrics of how well your organization is doing is “employee turnover”. Many organizations are happy to maintain an industry average as an excuse whereas on the flip side some companies go way and beyond to ensure that this number stays down and proactively look at how to reduce this number. I […]
Top Strategies for Building a Top Team
Leading a team is hard work! There are so many variables that can make the role as team leader challenging. It’s easy to get discouraged when you see that your team isn’t displaying the skills and strengths you thought they had. You’ll probably even spend some time wondering if you picked the right people. However, […]
Managing People in Intercultural Teams
One of the biggest challenges faced by many businesses, social and commercial alike, is how to successfully manage employees from different cultural backgrounds. Management studies have focused mostly on managing people from similar age groups and the same ethnic and cultural backgrounds, but with the growing number of international companies and longer work lives, those […]