It’s the values, whether personal, professional or collective which is the answer to this question. People’s values define, to an extent, who they are, and how they relate to the world around them and the people in it and why they do what they do. Values lead them to make the distinction between good and […]
Recruiting The Social Way
The world of recruiting has changed drastically over the years. From “help wanted” signs in shop windows, to print newspaper ads, to modern internet posts; finding great employees requires one to regularly update their own skills. Online newspaper advertisements gave way to job boards, applicant technology and social media recruitment. Fortunately, the tools necessary to […]
Is An Organization’s Strategic Priorities Proportionate to the L&D of it’s Employees?
Strategic organizations make capital investment decisions based on overall return on investment or ROI of their businesses. Employee development may or may not be at the core of these decisions; however, if not managed appropriately this can have several repercussions on the level of employee satisfaction, which in turn will affect the overall businesses success […]
Investing In People
Investing is always associated with return. If you’re going to invest in anything, you will have considered what you will achieve in return – maybe you want to double your investment. Do you think organizations can invest? Yes they can, to generate more profit. But do you think that they should invest in their people? […]
WLP Projects – All that begins well, ends well
We rather promptly bring together a squad of learning and performance professionals to analyze a business requirement and implement a learning and performance solution, agreeing on set timelines and a budget. However, do we invest in an effective approach to enhance the likelihood of such initiatives achieving the expected result? Like any other project, a […]
The Secret To Getting The Biggest Return on Your Training Investment
One of the best things you can offer your people for unlimited opportunities for growth and development is world-class training. Here’s how training is usually conducted… 1. Identify competencies that need to be developed. 2. Select training providers. 3. Evaluate training programs. 4. Set a schedule. 5. Share the schedule with the managers. 6. Managers […]
Embracing Change
Change, the magic word that once heard all leaders hearts tremble in terror. We as humans are always afraid of change. Why change something that we know and have mastered? So imagine when you have to implement change into a whole cooperate in order to survive the rapid market growth! I will not be telling […]
Great Performance Lies in Asking Why
One of the key attributes that distinguish great performance from the merely good is the ability to clearly differentiate between outcomes and outputs. Performance generally comes up short when the focus is solely on delivering output at all costs, as opposed to a genuine commitment to achieving the real outcomes sought. The key difference lies […]
In-House Training Or Outsource?
Almost all companies need to have their employees trained, starting from orientation training to advanced training, recurrent training, on the job training and classroom training. But should your company build its own training department or rely on external training providers? Most CEO’s or business owners look at this matter from a financial view only. This […]
Well Planned Is Half Done
A well created ‘project plan’ is crucial to successfully managing and controlling a WLP project. Building a project from a project charter requires collecting more information, analyzing and refining to arrive at a further well-defined scope for the project (project scope statement). Breaking it down… We itemize the work involved in delivering the scope (deliverables) […]