Recruiting The Social Way

The world of recruiting has changed drastically over the years. From “help wanted” signs in shop windows, to print newspaper ads, to modern internet posts; finding great employees requires one to regularly update their own skills. Online newspaper advertisements gave way to job boards, applicant technology and social media recruitment. Fortunately, the tools necessary to […]

Is An Organization’s Strategic Priorities Proportionate to the L&D of it’s Employees?

Strategic organizations make capital investment decisions based on overall return on investment or ROI of their businesses. Employee development may or may not be at the core of these decisions; however, if not managed appropriately this can have several repercussions on the level of employee satisfaction, which in turn will affect the overall businesses success […]

WLP Projects – All that begins well, ends well

We rather promptly bring together a squad of learning and performance professionals to analyze a business requirement and implement a learning and performance solution, agreeing on set timelines and a budget. However, do we invest in an effective approach to enhance the likelihood of such initiatives achieving the expected result? Like any other project, a […]

The Secret To Getting The Biggest Return on Your Training Investment

One of the best things you can offer your people for unlimited opportunities for growth and development is world-class training. Here’s how training is usually conducted… 1. Identify competencies that need to be developed. 2. Select training providers. 3. Evaluate training programs. 4. Set a schedule. 5. Share the schedule with the managers. 6. Managers […]