Automation Workz Launches Vision Board Party to Launch Life Culture Audit App as an Employee Morale Booster

Quiet Quitting, Great Resignation etc. are signs employees are dissatisfied with their work life and the culture of their employers. Announcement of massive layoffs have forced employee morale to an all-time low. Employees, feeling disengaged and undervalued, creates a vicious circle, leading to lower profits or the Mid-to-late January resignations. Employers must examine their culture and the impact that culture is having upon their profits.

Automation Workz has launched Vision Board Parties with the Life Culture Audit app, every month, for the general public beginning January 6, 2023 to give employees hope and vision that their future life is bright.

As employers we often forget, what employees see and hold in their thoughts, they attract like a magnet to our businesses.

If your employees see poverty, crime and blight daily, they continually think about poverty, crime and blight they will attract more scarcity and poverty, creating a negative experience for your customers, leading to poor customer satisfaction, lost revenue and lower profits. Employers lost $4.7 trillion dollars in revenue in 2022, due to poor customer service with customers leaving after 1 poor experience.

If your employees see luxury, riches and pristine environments, daily, they will continually think about riches and luxury they attract more riches and luxury,  and will thus create a luxurious experience for your customers, leading to increased customer satisfaction, increased revenue and higher profits.

Assist your employees ‘SEE’ luxury and riches for themselves so they can create high  customer satisfaction.

The Life Culture Audit app assists one to establish PICTORIAL goals for a luxury lifestyle, changing what they ‘SEE‘ and thus changing their thoughts.  Those pictures are populated onto a one-page vision board. They can rearrange photos, making them larger or smaller based on the priority in their life. They will then review their vision board, daily, giving them the much-needed motivation to work towards a new career and dream lifestyle.

Ida Byrd-Hill, CEO Automation Workz, states “Vision boarding assisted me to leave a Flint Housing Project for the University of Michigan-Ann Arbor. I have had a long prosperous career, managing $620 million as a wealth manager, $40 million as a mortgage loan officer, $5 million  as a  headhunter placing tech executives and now the founder of a cybersecurity vocational school.”

Vision boarding has assisted users launch into tech careers, in various industries, increasing their salaries. Here are some success stories of new careers in tech with annual salary increases:

  • Kay moved from earning $35,000 to $130,000 Technology Engineer.
  • Jaharah moved from $50,000 to $105,000 salary for Cybersecurity job.
  • Caleb moved from earning $50,000 to $120,000 project manager salary.
  • William moved from $50,000 to $78,000 as a Computer Specialist
  • Asad moved from $56,000 to $82,000 as a Computer Specialist
  • Jordan moved from $45,000 to $92,000 as a Tech Trainer.
  • Miranda moved from waitress to Tech Support Engineer earning $60,000. 
  • Willie moved from $39,520 to $81,120 to automate a restaurant
  • Brandon moved from $40,000 to $60,000 as a restaurant manager.

Use the Life Culture Audit vision boarding app to increase the morale of your employees. Inspire your employees to embrace tech training and the automation of your business, which improves efficiency and profits. Download the Life Culture Audit app from Apple App Store and Google Play for FREE.  

Better yet, organize a Vision Boarding Party, using the Life Culture Audit app, to make vision creation a fun group activity. Automation Workz has launched Vision Board Parties, every month, for the general public beginning January 6, 2023.