Companies spend extravagant amounts of money to market and promote their name brand through all kinds of advertisements. Hundreds of Billions of dollars are spent every year worldwide to market their goods and services and most importantly their brand. However, it just takes one silly mistake, by one employee, to cost a company tons and […]
Category: TOPICS
The Other Fear of Public Speaking
As a speaker, you strive to fight your fears and overcome your nervousness before or when you face your audience. But what about your audience’s fears of you? Have you tried to address them? What happens if you don’t? Do you even know what those fears are? Here are some of your audience’s concerns regarding […]
7 Coaching Skills That Leaders Should Have
One of the critical paths to business success as a leader is by adopting a coaching approach. In a study conducted by Bursen and Associates, it was concluded that those organizations that had senior leaders who coached achieved 21% better business growth than those who didn’t. However, coaching is not a skill that comes naturally […]
Using NLP Meta Programmes to Motivate Your Coaching Clients Part 5, General – Specific
To read part 1, click here. To read part 2, click here. To read part 3, click here. To read part 4, click here. The Meta Programme covered in this article is General – Specific Imagine each Meta Programmes as a scale, with the most extreme example at each end of the scale. Some people will be extremely […]
People Management
Regardless of your industry, your company, or even your job title, all managers are people managers, all management is people management. Managing people isn’t like managing things or even like managing projects. Each person has unique capabilities and talents, strengths and weaknesses—and feelings. Helping each person achieve his or her individual potential may require different […]
It’s Your Attitude, Not Your Aptitude That Will Determine Your Altitude
As Sami was getting ready to depart to one of the countries in the region for a training assignment, he posted a status on his facebook page saying: “On the way to Kuwait for a training assignment”. Within a few minutes, he got a message from a previous colleague, Jad, whom he had worked with […]
Embracing Change
Change management is a term that is used freely. Sometimes it is blamed for poor performance – “That initiative failed because we didn’t focus enough on change management.” And other times it is used as an umbrella term for activities that would otherwise not have a classification of task – “When we implement that new […]
The Number One Mistake New Business Owners Make That Can Sabotage Their Business Growth
Most entrepreneurs are multi-talented people. They are very well versed in performing a number of different tasks. Although that sounds like a very positive trait, from experience this alone can lead new entrepreneurs to committing one of the biggest classical mistakes in their first few years in business, which is trying to do everything on […]
Top Strategies for Building a Top Team
Leading a team is hard work! There are so many variables that can make the role as team leader challenging. It’s easy to get discouraged when you see that your team isn’t displaying the skills and strengths you thought they had. You’ll probably even spend some time wondering if you picked the right people. However, […]
Johari Window – Open Your Blinds!
The Johari window is one of the best tools for self-awareness and personal development when it comes to soft skills. The technique created by Joesph Luft and Harrington Ingham helps in understanding relationships, levels of trust, sharing and communication. The window consists of 4 Areas. Open Area: – This area represents the information about you which […]