The Secret To Getting The Biggest Return on Your Training Investment

One of the best things you can offer your people for unlimited opportunities for growth and development is world-class training. Here’s how training is usually conducted… 1. Identify competencies that need to be developed. 2. Select training providers. 3. Evaluate training programs. 4. Set a schedule. 5. Share the schedule with the managers. 6. Managers […]

Performance Management

Communication has been the essence of life since early age. Our predecessors painted walls to depict life cycles throughout many civilizations. They used sand and leaves of the Papyrus plant to invent writing systems and even engraved stones to impart their knowledge and experience. Why was this? Why didn’t they simply use verbal modes to […]

Talent Development– The New Kid On the Block. Or is it?

A recently released report on key trends for the HR profession shows Talent Development as the top priority. Should this surprise us? Probably not considering that on average organizations spend over one third of their revenues on employee wages and benefits! Increasingly, organizations are looking to attract, retain and develop the best talent, and as […]

Culture and ‘Cultured’

Culture is usually defined as being ‘characterized by refined taste, manners, and good education’. An indispensable addition to this definition in today’s ever growing world of international melting pots, would be the ability to use the stated ‘refined taste, manners, and good education’ in appreciating and coping with other culturally diverse tastes, manners and schools […]