Hewlet Packard Enterprise (HPE) in partnership with Bahrain based NorthStar Technology in association with Ingram Micro will be conducting a live-in person awareness event on the latest HPE products and solutions.
The awareness event will take place at 10.00 am on 28th June at Crowne Plaza Manama.
The three-hour demonstration will focus on enhancing the businesses – “Business Agility for the digital transformation faced by Enterprises is the number one issue today. HPE are leader in this field with a strong team involved in R&D to deliver cutting edge solutions.” says Jubran Abdulrahman, Executive Director of Northstar Technology.
“Like our associates Ingram Micro, North Star Technology strive to provide Value Added solutions and products. The event will provide quality sessions from product managers from HPE to enable companies in Bahrain to enhance their existing IT infrastructure and framework.” Adds Abdulrahman.
40 companies have already registered for this one-of-a-kind informative awareness session.