Getting Your Manager to Listen to Your Ideas

Hierarchy in the work place is a polarising subject.

A blessing from some and curse for others. You could be starting from the bottom and working your way up, chasing goals, and getting a total sense of fulfilment as you rise from your station to better your career.

…Or you can be stuck on the bottom rung of the ladder, feeling like you are going nowhere fast, stuck in stationary position, with not much looking on the horizon.

This is what separates the successful from the non-successful.

Granted circumstances will vary from each workplace, but most offer a route to the top, it is just a case of taking all the right turns. One of these pivotal moments is getting your manager to listen to you. It may be for something that could massively help the business in the near future, or a subtle idea that will grow into something much more significant over time. It could even be something pretty basic that you feel your workplace is lacking.

Coming up with the idea is only half the battle.

Getting it across to your manager, so that he/she will actually take notice of it or strongly considering the potential behind it is no easy feat. It is easy to get shrugged off or the dreaded ‘’that is a great idea BUT’’ line. It can leave you feeling deflated and sometimes even useless; luckily there is a lot more you can do to make your boss to take notice of your ideas.


Your idea could be related to any number of things; it all depends on what field you are working in. One thing that will never change is having some background research behind you. Simply pitching an idea that sounds good may seem a good initiative, yet your manager will want to see a lot more than a simple idea.

Do your homework, gets some facts, stats and figures that help to back up your idea. Data is the be all and end all of a successful business, your manager will know this (is this not why they manage the team?), back up what you are trying to convey.


Even if this idea was to be taken seriously and there is no way you will be involved with the hands on development of it, you must be sure to have a plan for it regardless. Going into a meeting or a pitch without a set direction will show your creative side, but lacks the integrity to actually complete the idea.

Know how to implement it, why it will be benefit the company, the more organised you are, the more serious your idea will be taken, showing initiative and potential.

What does Your Manager Gain?

A simple fact is if your manager has nothing or little to gain from your idea, however good it may be it will not be taken into consideration. It must be something that your boss can help with, something in their field and what it will do to further their cause – no matter what it is ensure the team and your manager will receive something good out of it, whether it is directly or indirectly.

Nicole Dominique Le Maire has gained a reputation as a highly valued leader within the female business and Human Resources Industry. As a multi-talented woman entrepreneur and a global people connector, she is also the co-author of two books, including The Female Leader. As a result, she has gained tremendous experience guiding startups and entrepreneurs which has supplemented her MBA, MAHRM, and MCIPD and this has catapulted her to become one of the top leaders in the Human Resources industry.

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