Developing Tomorrows Business Leaders

Every technological revolution has forced a shift in the leadership skill set, but the dramatic shift that we are experiencing today, thanks to a global pandemic, is unlike anything we’ve ever seen. Business leaders have had to make some hard and fast decisions and lead organizations under extraordinary circumstances.

With many companies going remote during the pandemic, business leaders have had to modify their leadership style to suit the need of the hour. But, there are some qualities that will be just as important today as they will be for the leaders of the future.

Leadership Qualities of Tomorrow

Here are some of the qualities that will be needed for tomorrow’s business leaders


These are stressful times we’re living in. With employees having to adapt to the work-from-home environment and juggle between their job and their home, things can get really stressful.  Good leadership sees the importance of creating an environment where remote staff are able to turn to their leaders for support, especially during this difficult time.

Leaders need to listen to the concerns and problems of their employees and take them seriously if they want to show that they value their team. Since every member of a company wants to be valued, the best way to show them that is by listening and supporting them during these difficult times and in the future.

Practicing empathy is going to be a crucial quality for every business leader of the future, and especially for those who will have employees who are working remotely. Despite their internal insecurities and fears, business leaders have to practice compassion with their employees.


One of the jobs of a business leader is to instill courage in their workforce and to encourage them. Being less fearful and more courageous, employees will be able to take on and deal with more difficult projects and will be better able to deal with change. The good news is, everybody has got the capacity for being courageous, whether it’s tackling a gripping fear of heights or meeting challenges head-on as a business leader. Besides, leadership takes courage.


To ensure that diverse thinking is heard, respected and managed business leaders have to be more inclusive. An inclusive leader who has an understanding of how their employees think and react to change in the business landscape is prepared to influence and guide others from their employees to members of the board. More often than not, innovative ideas fall between the cracks due to a lack of a key ingredient of a business leader – inclusivity. Leaders of the future need to encourage a working environment where diverse perspectives are heard and respected. Because for good ideas to become great, they need to be implemented first, and that is only possible when you’re being guided by an inclusive business leader.

So, how does an inclusive business leader help move a business forward? For starters, inclusive business leaders engineer intentional opportunities for collaboration and innovation. An inclusive leader gives a voice to those who are unheard in an organization. This encourages thinkers to emerge from within a team.

But most importantly, an inclusive leader knows just how to get everybody on the team on board to positive change because they know how to harness the diversity of a team to meet business challenges in an ever-changing business landscape.


It goes without saying that leadership agility is key to the success of a business. One of the reasons why agile leaders are in high demand is because these individuals create engagement across all departments of an organization. This is because they are inclusive across all geographies, generations and boundaries. This encourages cross-functional collaboration that translates to optimal performance of the entire team. Their ability to pull multiple levers as a business leader is what makes them so crucial to the success of a business.

Another reason why agile business leaders are valued by companies is that these leaders are able to give an organization some much-needed direction while aligning the employees and resources towards achieving a particular goal. Most importantly, only an agile business leader is able to create an agile culture within an organization that is based on shared company values that are aligned with the business goals and strategies to ensure success.

If you are looking to get a high-performing workforce in the future, then you are going to need an agile business leader who has a vision, mission and purpose for your company.

Many forward-thinking leaders have been quick to adjust to the changing business environment that’s emerging from the global pandemic. But that can be easier said than done.

Hanane Benkhallouk is an award-winning entrepreneur and senior consultant, with a broad scope of expertise and exposure to international markets, from the Americas, Africa, the Middle East and Asia. In Dubai since 2005, coming from New York city, with an 18 years diverse career, that included being in charge of innovation and entrepreneurship programs across the Arab World, at the Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum foundation. A certified innovation and transformation strategist, with a US MAB, Hanane works today as he Executive Director of Sustain Leadership, a consultancy specialized in strategic leadership, Innovation management, transformation Hanane is passionate about entrepreneurship development. Somshe has worked with 500+entrepreneurs, supported 20+ incubators/accelerators/entrepreneurship developments spaces and platforms, in 20+countries across the globe. She also sits on the advisory board of a number SMEs and NGOs. Hanane is also recognized as a thought leader, a global conference speaker, and a published author. e also contributes with articles published on Harvard business review Arabic, and Forbes Middle East to name a few. Hanane’s vision is to contribute to the move of the Arab Region into an innovation and knowledge-based economy.