“Coaching is the art of facilitating the performance, learning and development of another.” Myles Downey, the author of ‘Effective Coaching’ encompasses very well, the developmental process that an individual takes when coaching another person. Coaching is a tool that has now become part of the key components of any toolkit for learning and development, organizational […]
Category: TOPICS
Marketing Yourself as a Trainer
Marketing has been defined as the process of communicating the value of a product or service to customers, for the purpose of selling that product or service. However, most people reserve the concept of marketing to primarily just that – products or services. The idea of marketing themselves as a professional in their field is […]
The Art Of Seduction Marketing 101
I was recently asked to participate in a panel discussing marketing on a small start-up budget, something I am all too familiar with. After the discussion, someone came up to me and mentioned that he wished the talk included more generic marketing tips, tips such as, “everyone do X on twitter and that’s how you […]
Using NLP Meta Programmes to Motivate Your Coaching Clients. Part 1 – Towards/Away From
In NLP terms, the Meta Programmes are the ways of thinking that motivate us. You will probably know about this from different names and other perspectives in the behavioural and psychometric assessments now used in business. We know that Meta Programmes are not static and can change depending on the circumstances. For example, when someone […]
Core Skills And Innovation
Most organizations and individuals are so busy just trying to fulfill their business goals, generate revenue and market in this new digital space that they may not have time to think through their organization’s key skills. Today’s changing world demands that we ask whether or not an organization’s core skills matter anymore. Nike’s CEO, Mark […]
So You Think You Can Market Your Training?
I sat down on my couch after a long meeting with a prospective client. What seemed to be a normal routine meeting turned out to be one tough cookie! More demanding then training itself. People here don’t know me, yet. Being relatively new in this market, I still have a lot of heads to turn. […]
6 Reasons Why Entrepreneurs Need To Start a Blog
When it comes to growing your business as a trainer or speaker, do you prefer to: Knock on doors? OR Open doors? I have read many books on launching a speaking and training business that talk about different types of “cold calling” tactics to find new clients. I was always struggling to apply these tactics, […]
How to Choose the Right Type of Networking
You may have recently made a decision to leave your corporate job to become a freelance associate or even for the braver, to start your own company. Inevitably, this will be an exciting time as you are now in “full control” of your daily schedule. Everyday you spend time on producing new products or sourcing […]
Selling Yourself As A Trainer
Everyone wants to be famous and now it’s easy to be famous, especially when we talk about business. You are an excellent trainer. Yes, you know that and I’m sure you are. But are you sure that everyone else knows it or it is just you? Let’s agree that the only vital factor in promoting […]
Marketing That Works!
DEVELOPING MARKETING STRATEGIES FOR YOURSELF AND YOUR BUSINESS Business Cards Let’s begin with the obvious; almost everybody I know that runs a business has a business card of some sort. Most people include basic details on their business card such as business name, email and website, etc. However, many people don’t utilise the back of […]