With leadership skills and talent retention being hot business topics to stimulate and maintain growth, especially globally, Ush Dhanak of EQ Academy has created a new ‘Corporate EQ Programme’ for launch in the Gulf and worldwide.
Following success of earlier programmes with corporate clients in Australia, both in the public and private sectors, Ush wanted to create a flexible programme that included the very latest ways of understanding and using emotional intelligence(EQ) to improve performance of employees at all levels.
Ush said “ the aim of the programme is for leaders to discover and use techniques that will not only improve their own performance, but also enable them to develop first class teams that perform at high levels.”
She added “ It is clear that talent retention in many sectors is also a real problem and our programme includes methods of getting teams and individuals to remain loyal and committed to organisations”
The programme is delivered through a mix of online and in-person training and is typically done on an individual client basis, though group sessions involving several companies can be available too. Steve Parker, part of the EQ Academy global team added “the flexibility and convenience of the programme means clients can access at their convenience and when most needed and there are always opportunities for Gulf leaders and specialists to contribute and help to deliver locally.”