LifeLabs Learning, the source for instantly useful manager and team upskilling programs, is demystifying the secret to surviving and thriving in times of uncertainty. This month they launched their three-part Great Managers Playbook and will host their Skills to Thrive in Uncertain Times: Real stories from real managers virtual community event, which will be held later in the month.
Having studied over 400,000 managers, LifeLabs Learning is taking a research-backed and data-driven approach to helping managers catalyze high performance on their teams. Their Manager CORE training is designed to help teams gain the most critical management skills to meet increasingly complex workplace demands. Organizations that invest in adequately skilling up their leaders can better combat the harsh reality that bad management costs companies in the U.S. between $960 billion and $1.2 trillion per year and $7 trillion — or 9% to 10% of the world’s GDP globally every year.
“We want to dispel the myth that experience equates to effectiveness when it comes to good management. Leading people requires a specific set of learned skills. The good news is that these skills are teachable!” said LifeLabs Learning CEO, Priscila Bala. “Our work over the last eight years has taught us that in even the most uncertain times, the best managers don’t manage people. They manage the conditions that create and amplify success – conditions like role metrics, useful feedback, and aligned priorities.”
In addition to their Manager CORE program and Great Managers Playbook series, LifeLabs’ is offering HR, POPs, and L&D leaders the chance to gain useful learnings from a panel conversation with some of their client’s managers. The community event will take place virtually on August 23, 2022, and will share how these leaders apply the skills and tools they’ve learned to catalyze high performance on their teams.ABOUT LifeLabs Learning
LifeLabs Learning is the source for instantly useful, delightfully unusual, science-backed management, team, and executive training programs. We teach skills to build passionate and high-performing teams faster.
Our focus is on tipping point skills — the small changes that lead to big impact. We make these skills stick by helping organizations shape their culture and systems.
Some of our clients include Venmo, BlackRock, Kaiser Permanente, Andreessen Horowitz, Yale, Glossier, and Lyft.