Certified Corporate Wellness Specialist® Challenges Employers to Take the #MikeVenyChallenge

Return-to-Office mandates. Burnout. Resignations. Now is the time for employers to rethink workplace wellness and culture. Take the #MikeVenyChallenge during Mental Health Awareness Month by downloading the checklist at https://www.mikeveny.com/mike-veny-challenge.

“Creating a healthy company culture is not a one-and-done task. It’s important to continue evaluating your current culture to stay aware of areas that are slipping or need to be improved with the future of work,” said Mike Veny, certified corporate wellness specialist®.

Signs Of Mentally Healthy Company Culture
During Mental Health Awareness Month, employers can assess their company culture by looking for the positive signs of healthy culture:

  • Human qualities such as “integrity” are included in the company’s core values.
  • Employees talk about their mental health and what they need without fear or shame.
  • Management is caring and supportive.
  • There is trust and open communication between the team.
  • Managers have realistic expectations of employees and provide the resources they need to complete their tasks.
  • Leave time is provided and encouraged to be used by management.
  • Training and coaching are provided and available to all employees.
  • Employees spend time socializing together during lunch or social gatherings.
  • There are low turnover rates.

Signs Employees Are Struggling
The following are signs employees struggling with mental health challenges or that there are areas in a company’s culture that need attention:

  • Employees are making mistakes and errors they don’t usually make.
  • Poor communication and lack of patience between team members.
  • High turnover rates.
  • Out-of-character behavior such as a normally happy and talkative employee becoming withdrawn.
  • Employees don’t feel they can trust management, including the human resources department.
  • Deadlines are frequently missed.
  • There is an increase in employees calling out sick.

Certified Corporate Wellness Specialist® Mike Veny has a mission to support people in discovering the gift of emotional wellness through unique learning experiences designed to empower personal and professional growth.

Author of the best-selling autobiography, Transforming Stigma: How to Become a Mental Wellness Superhero, his expertise and life experiences have been featured on ABC, NBC, and CBS news.