Break Through Imposter Syndrome & Step Into Your Power

A study ‘How imposter syndrome and fears hinder women entrepreneurs’ business growth, published by Business Horizons, in Volume 62, Issue 5, 2019 sheds significant insights in to why this might be more prevalent for women entrepreneurs. The authors Kimberly Eddleston, Jamie Ladge and Keimei Sugiyama state “One reason why it’s easy for women entrepreneurs to […]

Learning Analytics – The Crystal Ball of Learning

We continue to stress on metrics that provide evaluation of learning devised against a set of learning outcomes. We need to rethink with a focus on value as compared to learning as a key target. Experts characterize ‘Learning Analytics’ as the measurement, collection, analysis and reporting of data about learners and their contexts, for purposes […]

The Future of Entrepreneurship

Today, employment opportunities are becoming scarce while the rise in independent professionals has been constant around the globe. Freelancers could represent 80% of the global workforce by 2030. (Source: Peerism). With the increase in the Gig Economy, most professionals are literally self- employed. With non-stop technological advances, entrepreneurship is undeniably becoming the route of choice for anyone […]